& MORE OF MY MAKES which include my design team work & things I love to do....... ALTERED ART&MIXED MEDIA
So........check back as these above subjects will turn up anytime, better still, why not do what I do with some of my favourite blogs, I subscribe to them via email, which means I get an email when they post, so whether they post everyday or just once a fortnight, I never miss a thing!! Don't miss any of my thangs' and subscribe via email
Smiles, hugs & blessings dear followers
Vick xxx
Will look forward to seeing more of what you like to do
Aww I know you will my darling, I just have some things on this weekend and then I will try and motivate myself to doing something at least twice a week, hopefully I will get to a few of the things on my list ...........someday! hehehe, hugs hun xxx Vick xx